Ministries & Organizations
Holy Spirit Parish is a stewardship community, focused on the giving of our time, talent and treasure in a spirit of gratitude. The lines below, list and explain the various ministries of our parish that serve the hearts and minds of our parishioners alongside the needs of our Diocese and community.
We ask that you prayerfully consider giving of your specific talents that God has given you in the service of the parish. Whether you spend your time in praise and service, in learning more about your faith, or providing care for those in need, we hope your efforts through these ministries will support you in living out Jesus’s command: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22: 34-40)
Work in progress. Please advise corrections, changes or additions to [email protected]. Thank you.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adult Faith Study Altar Servers Bible Studies for Adults Deacon Pete Marquez (559) 434-7701 Blood Drive Kris Lopez (559) 906-7001 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Jessie Wedam (415) 305-4222 Family Ministry Bill Heisdorf (559) 434-7701 X107 Filiae Lumena (Daughters of Light) Johana Olguin (559) 999-4540 or [email protected]. Frassati Fellowship Young Adult Funeral Reception Committee George Sanderson (559) 908-7469 Healing Ministry Contact the parish office (559)434-7701 Holy Cross Women’s Center Steve & Kathy Monroe (559)434-1961 Holy Spirit Parish Outreach Italian Catholic Federation Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Liturgical Auxiliaries & Sacristans Tim Morrison or Bill Heisdorf Liturgical Environment Mary Forestiere (559)434-0674 Matrimony Preparation Linda Fierro Men’s Club Ministry to the Sick, Home Visits Patty Marquez |
Ministry to the Sick, Hospitals & Care Facilities
Bill Heisdorf Mom's Group Music and Liturgy Natural Family Planning Myra Garcia-Ceja (559)907-5977 Parish Nurse Rae-Ann Asanuma, R.N. (559)645-1150 Respect Life Prayer Chain Daena Forestiere (559)299-1480 Pregnancy Care Center Maggie Farmer (559)276-8453 Readers (Lectors) Kevin Murray. Contact the parish office (559)434-7701 RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Adult Religious Education Seniors Group Social Justice Ministries Deacon Pete Marquez (559) 434-7701 St. Stephen Ministries Stewardship Troops of St. George Jason Bettini. (916) 872-5646 Ushers Juan De La Rosa (559)304-4821 Vacation Bible School Women’s Guild Youth Ministry (7th grade - 18 years) |