Parish Registration (New Parishioners)
Why Should You Register?
A Catholic parish is where we continue the mission of Jesus Christ. This is where we publicly express our faith, joining together with others to give proof of our communion with God and with one another. There are many reasons to register. The most important reason is that you desire a sense of belonging in your church community. You are making a commitment to practice your faith. This commitment should be a high priority in your life. You should be willing to give of your time, talent and treasure to your church community. Other practical reasons include the fact that you must be a practicing Catholic in order to receive the Sacraments of Baptism (or a parent in the case of a child), First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, or Holy Matrimony. To be a Godparent or a Sponsor for Confirmation also requires that you receive a letter from your parish church stating that you practice your faith. A practicing Catholic is one that attends Mass weekly and on holy days, and is in good standing with the Church. For religious education instruction and Sacramental preparation, the families of those attending must also be registered parishioners. Your decision to become a registered member of Holy Spirit Parish family is an important decision involving all the members of your immediate family. If we can do anything to help you, please contact us. How important is it to donate with an envelope? There will be times when documenting your church attendance might be important:
Have you moved lately? Changed your phone number? Changed your e-mail address? Help us keep our records up to date and save us some money on our communication expense. Please notify the parish office of any changes. 559 434-7701 or [email protected] |