There are many opportunities to volunteer your time and talent at Holy Spirit. If you have interestes in a particular area, please call the parish office so we can help you.
You may also view the list of Parish Ministries and Organizations here. Funeral Reception Committee
This committee needs help providing assistance for funeral receptions that are held in Logan Hall after funerals. They need volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up after receptions, and other volunteers who would be willing to be on a rotating list to provide a dish for the event. Contact Dan or Jeannie Bowe (559)289-4287. |
Holy Cross Women's Shelter
Parish Outreach needs volunteers to help deliver the donations collected from the bins in the church narthex. Contact Steve or Kathy Monroe at (559)434-1961. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Serve at weekend Masses or take communion to residents of nearby retirement/care homes. Contact Kate Mallam (559)434-3522. Eucharistic Adorers
Holy Spirit is blessed to offer Eucharistic Adoration Monday through Friday. While "walk ins" are always welcome, we need to make sure there are regularly scheduled volunteers for each hour the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. Contact Daena (559)299-1480. |